
althen3 - #1 by Luluxxx

althen3 - #1

2022 Digital 1600 x 2285

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althen3 - #2 by Luluxxx

althen3 - #2

2022 Digital 1600 x 2285

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althen3 - #3 by Luluxxx

althen3 - #3

100% of the proceeds from this NFT will be donated to the Ukraine Emergency Response Fund 2022 Digital 1600 x 2285

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I am working in Paris as a cgi/3d artist. I’m also a photographer and a software developer. I started using Neural Network based Artificial Intelligence technology around 2015. I enjoy using optical flow analysis tools to capture motion from moving footage. I enjoy manipulating still digital images and motion sequences in a transformative/generative way. I’m building and using my own tools using open-sourced and custom code. I consider my work as transformative. I like to explore abstraction and baroque. inspiration comes from personal photography or friends' social media. some may come from the 'internet soup'.