

2021 MP4, 1586 x 2048, 18''

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Ddddddrrrrryyyyyyyyy Ssssseeasonnn

2021 MP4, 1586 x 2048, 15''

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Rrrraaainnnny Seeeaasonnnnn

2021 MP4, 1586 x 2048, 23''

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Uuuuurbannnnnn Llllliiiiivviiiiinggggggg

2021 MP4, 1586 x 2048, 15''

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Patrick Jamora

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Patrick is a graphic designer and photographer from Iloilo. He shuttles between his hometown and Manila, where he works as a partner at Do Good Studio. Over the last 15 years, he worked as an art director for various publications, published books and other print media under different publishing houses, and contributed photos to global magazines. His book with the theme "nation-building starts in cities," published in collaboration with his studio and a local government office, won the Good Design award for print in 2019. He pursues his artistic practice using different platforms, often combining traditional with new media. He uses animation, photography, and video—usually presented with type—to create new anecdotes exploring memory, communication, fiction, and the curiosities and imperfections of the process of documentation. When implementing humor in his work, he invites the viewer to engage and discover associations and differences to their own ideas and experiences. His current research takes inspiration from local history and culture. He deep-dives into online archives to collect records and images and uses them to allow history to cross formats through modern technology and his work. He becomes archivist and curator, exploring identity while investigating traditional missteps, their effects on contemporary referential semantics, and documenting them on the blockchain.